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Why learn a foreign language? 


Luck School District is proud of its ability to offer authentic Spanish language exposure, activities, and resources to its students. There are many benefits to learning a new language, benefits that our students can use to better themselves now and in their future. Texas Technical University compiled the results of many scholars and research studies into the following infographic that displays just how beneficial learning a foreign language can be: 

Benefits of language learning.PNG

Interested in volunteering in Luck's Spanish program?

Are you interested in volunteering with Luck's Spanish program? Perhaps you have a Spanish-speaking relative, are classically trained in Spanish guitar music, or know how to make tortillas, pupusas, or tamales from scratch. We'd love for you to come share your knowledge with our k-12 students! If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the following form, and Señorita Greer will reach out to you. Gracias! 


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