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Learning Objectives

What is my child learning in Spanish? 

Man in Library

As a whole, the Spanish Program looks at very similar objectives as students progress from exploratory Spanish to levels one, two, and three. Below are the learning objectives for the various levels/ classes students may take: 

Exploratory Spanish (7th and 8th grades):

Basic information and needs: How do I express basic information about myself, as well as express wants, likes, and needs in Spanish? 

Experiences: How does my life experience-- both everyday and big picture-- compare to that of people in other countries? 

Different mediums: How does my understanding of Spanish affect my ability to read, write, view, and listen to it? How can I use this understanding to express myself in various mediums? 

Spanish I (9th-12th grades):

Basic information and needs: How do I express basic information about myself, as well as express wants, likes, and needs in Spanish? 

Experiences: How does my life experience-- both everyday and big picture-- compare to that of people in other countries? 

Different mediums: How does my understanding of Spanish affect my ability to read, write, view, and listen to it? How can I use this understanding to express myself in various mediums? 

Spanish II/ III (9th-12th grades):

Past, Present, & Future: How do I express myself and communicate using various tenses in Spanish? When is it appropriate or necessary to use past, present, and future tenses? 

Experiences: How does my life experience-- both everyday and big picture-- compare to that of people in other countries? 

Different mediums: How does my understanding of Spanish affect my ability to read, write, view, and listen to it? How can I use this understanding to express myself in various mediums? 

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